Katie's Picture Show by James Mayhew

Didn't realize till recently that this was actually the very first ever Katie book! It has a good selection of paintings (and I especially love the one from Renoir). Works covered include:

The Hay Wain by John Constable
Madame Moitessier by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
The Umbrellas by Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Surprised! by Henri Rousseau
Dynamic Suprematism by Kazamir Malevich

As aforementioned, studying The Umbrellas was really fun -- discussing how he used the colors themselves to evoke the feeling of rain, etc.

I do like the Katie books for their immersive nature -- they're absolutely excellent for making the art come alive and connecting with young readers. That said, this one also led to a fruitful discussion about how we should indeed look with our eyes and obey Do Not Touch signs, and some of the reasons for those signs (finger oils, etc.); and also the difference between our world and the magic of Katie's world. ;) It led, too, to some good discussion on appropriate consequences and the importance of restitution. All age appropriate and things that should be discussed, so all in all actually a good thing... but just something to bear in mind + the importance of parental / teacher involvement! ;)
