
Picture books, YA fiction, great read alouds, living books... In other words, straight up book reviews, and particularly of interest if you're exploring the world with little people. To quote from the Stories are Soul Food podcast, stories with "wild stickiness, to surprise and delight."

Now, when reviewing (historically speaking), my default modus operandi has been to obsess over every review, making sure I have every last detail that might matter + catching the tone of the story itself. Obviously, this isn't actually practicable long term, especially as I also want to (as quickly as possible) get lots of reviews up that would particularly help fellow mamas and home educators who are interested and/or need it now. 

So going forward I'm planning to adjust my review style to focus on a general plot overview, themes, and content summary. Picture book reviews will likely be short and sweet. Let me know how it looks on your end and I'd appreciate your feedback!