The Little Mushroom by Alexandra Arola

This is one of -- if not the -- most surprising picture book finds I've run across in the last few years. (And, after a year, it's also the first fall title the small person picks off the seasonal book pile, so that's saying something.) 

The pictures are sweet, unique, and beautiful. And it's the best little tale I've seen to date about the nature of being created in a very specific way, involving natural limitations, and then learning to enjoy where one is literally planted; plus happy resolutions happening in unexpected ways. All told in a very age appropriate way, in a sweet little story, and with an in-tune and not-too-terribly preachy Mommy and Daddy mushroom present on the scene. (And as a complete side note, the author references lingonberries! Having a Swedish grandpa, lingonberry jam on our pancakes is an Absolute Thing 😍😋 and I'm so tickled they were included in here. When does that ever happen?!?)

All in all, it's a fairly darling little story and definitely deserves a wider readership. I'm happy to recommend it!
