Honey... Honey... Lion! by Jan Brett

In the interest of waking up and revitalizing this blog, I'm gonna keep this short and sweet, but the long and the short of it is, the little princess has recently Come of Story Time Age (I know, I know, that can start waaaaaaay earlier, so more on that at another time in another place), but as I was saying, come story time, she always seems to grab this one and it generally appears near the top of the stack. The text is fairly prosaic, though does nicely build tension and has some fun onomatopoeia (ha! I've tried to work out a way to use that word for a long time ;D), but as always, the pictures are deeply worth reveling in and alive with action. And we love studying our African animals around here and it's so fun to see Princess E enjoy and go through naming them all as we read.

So yes, all in all a winner!


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