
Showing posts from June, 2019

Out and About: A First Book of Poems by Shirley Hughes

Shirley Hughes is an incredibly talented British author/illustrator with a ton of charming books to her name. Seriously, I can't think of any other picture book author who better or more beautifully captures the world from the viewpoint of a little person. They're lovely! This particular title is a collection of lilting early poems, taking you through the year with a handful for each season. And they stick in your head. Check this out: "Shiny boots, Brand new. Pale shoots Poking through. In the garden, Out and about. Run down the path, Scamper and shout. Wild white laundry Waves at the sky. The birds are busy And so am I." Out and About is one I distinctly remember my mother reading waaaaaaaay back when and to say I'm downright thrilled to be sharing it with my own little princess is an understatement. ;D I can't wait to hear if you've heard of it!